When a tooth is damaged by decay or trauma, the dentist must restore it to proper function using man-made materials. Dentists, unfortunately, cannot make natural enamel!

ALWAYS A COMPROMISE: Because of recent technological advances, we now have many restorative materials to choose from. Some are very strong, others are more biocompatible, some are more aesthetically pleasing; some may be more expensive, others less. The ‘perfect’ material does not exist; the dentist and his patient must compromise somewhere in order to ‘save’ the tooth.

STRENGTH: And each tooth in each mouth must be assessed individually in order to select the ‘best’ material to restore it. A very small cavity, for example, may be restored with composite and last almost a lifetime. A very large composite placed on a molar however, will probably fracture or wear rapidly under chewing and grinding forces; ceramic would be recommended for this situation.

HEALTH: And will the material be safe for your health? People are increasingly concerned about this aspect. A knowledgeable dentist is the best person to discuss the risks and benefits of different materials with you.

BIOCOMPATIBILITY TEST: Some dental restorative materials have proven regularly suitable based on the Clifford serum biocompatibility test done for our patients in the past. You may want to consider having this test done for yourself before replacing your present fillings (; total cost for this individual blood test can run up to $400. or $500. Generally, most composites are considered quite safe for use in teeth.

WEB: You may want to study the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) published on the web by the manufacturers of the products you and your dentist are considering using for you.

Holistic dentistscannot make natural enamel but do offer the safest and strongest materials available today based on current science.

A final note on Bisphenol-A (BPAs): All composites may leach from one to thirteen parts per billion of BPAs in the initial hours following insertion – a dose presently considered insignificant for health. Rinsing with salt water regularly on the day you have a new filling placed can be recommended – just in case!.

Can mercury amalgam dental fillings cause Alzheimer's disease?

Researchers and toxicologists at a recent scientific meeting in Chicago were dismayed to learn of a relationship between dental amalgam and the onset of Alzheimer's disease. The first sign of the disease is a loss of the sense of smell. During autopsies, researchers found large concentrations of mercury in the olfactive bulb of Alzheimer victims. Mercury is the only toxin known to cause both of the hallmark signs of the disease: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillar tangles in the brain.

For over 75 years, mercury vapour from amalgam has been known to reach the brain through the sinuses. Alzheimer's disease appears prematurely in people who have been exposed to mercury and who are genetically predisposed to the disease.

There is no doubt that dental amalgams constitute a permanent risk factor for disease. We feel it is our duty to keep you up-to-date on the most recent scientific developments in health-related issues. You, and you alone, can decide whether to keep your amalgam fillings or have them safely removed and replaced.

How can I prevent cavities?

Eat a piece of soft cheese after having a sweet dessert.

Here's why:

Over the past century, many epidemiological and clinical studies have established a causal relationship between consumption of fermentable carbohydrates and dental caries. In other words, sugar can cause cavities - something we've all known since we were kids. It happens for many reasons, including the amount of sugar in the food, how often it's eaten and ultimately, how it affects one's body pH. Sugar lowers the phosphorus level and thereby raises the calcium/phosphorous ratio, which sets the stage for acidic pH in the mouth and the perfect environment for caries-causing bacteria.

Newer studies have shown that cheese and other cultured dairy foods tend to restore pH and prevent bacterial overgrowth following sugar consumption. Other studies since have shown that they do this by preventing demineralization.

As we often see, there are cultures that have already learned healthful ways of eating without the benefit of these studies, and many have often served a cheese course at the end of the meal. Adding a cheese course to your menu not only adds a bit of "culture" (sorry for the pun - I couldn't resist) to life, but can also help support your body's design for natural health.

Although our clients - being so health-conscious - are less likely to have a sugary dessert than any other group of people, we all treat our selves once in a while. When we do, it can be both wise and tasty to have a bit of soft cheese at the end of a meal. Soft cheeses are preferable because they tend to have more of the cultures that help with this process. Even when packing lunches for family, you can drop in one of those individually-wrapped mozzarella sticks and remind them to eat it after dessert.


When this occurs, your body pH is too acid. Your teeth are screamingfor minerals! Instead of using a desensitizing toothpaste, listen to your body and take your minerals.

Dental micro-circulation:

Dr. Ralph Steinman was the first to demonstrate tooth micro-circulation. Liquids that escape the blood circulate from the inside towards the outside of the tooth – like a fountain - when the body pH is normal or alcaline. This constantly cleans the tooth and gives it a shiny surface.

When body pH is acid, this micro-circulation is inverted - from the outside towards the inside. Toxins and acids from bacteria on the surface penetrate through the tooth and stimulate a acute painful reaction – an alarm.

If body pH remains acid too long, decalcificationis initiated and decay (a cavity) appears.

Tooth grinding and clenching:

In order to buffer the acid pH in the blood, the body must draw from its mineral reserves. So if your muscles lack minerals to relax when you are sleeping, small interferences in your bite can stimulate grinding and clenching. These lateral pressures bend the tooth from side to side causing enamel crystals to fracture at the gumline. The resulting groove at the gumline remains very sensitive to temperature changes, for example.

Here are other signs of systemic acidity:

-Constant lack of energy (less oxygen in the blood)


-Swollen and sensitive gums

-Tooth decay, grinding and clenching

-Greater susceptibility to infection (colds, flu, etc.)

-Hypersensitivity to pain

-Stained, striated and weak nails

-Cramps, shivers and dry skin

Lack of minerals compromises thyroid function and anti-inflammatory controls. Make sure you eat four cups of green vegetables every day or take your mineral supplements two or three times a day.

Balancing your body pH is crucial to staying healthy or regaining your health.


1. Dental hygiene

Daily brushing is necessary: explain this to your child and encourage his initiative. Establish with him the time of day when he will brush. Make sure the child brushes for 2 minutes morning and evening.

Up until the age of 10, it is important to check your child’s brushings. At the same time, coach him on his technique and compliment him if the work has been well done. The use of a Xylitol containing toothpaste is recommended. The application of remineralizing paste like X-Pur after toothbrushing will also encourage recalcification of decay susceptible teeth. Ask for our information sheet on bimonthly iodine applications to replace fluoride in decay prevention.

2. Nutrition

Food choices must be based on their vitality. Select the foods that nature offers, without additives or preservatives. Involve the young child in healthy food choices and teach him how to read labels.

All junk foods - sugars, chips, soft drinks, sweetened juices, Jell-o, ice cream, popsicles, chocolate, etc -will enhance cavity development and predispose your child to infections such as colds, ear infections, influenza, etc. These foods can lead to hyperactivity, poor concentration, memory problems and generally reduced physical, mental and emotional health.

Reward your child’s accomplishments with compliments, outings and games instead of food. Three balanced meals and two healthy snacks (cheese, raw veggies, nuts, fresh fruit) a day should be enough to maintain general well-being.

Wateris important to carry nutrients through the body and to eliminate waste products. Encourage your child to drink pure water throughout the day instead of juices and soft drinks.

Supplemenmting the diet with copper, iron, manganese and magnesium will abolish the decay rate according to Dr. Ralph Steinman.

3. Emotions

Negative emotions can add to body burden and predispose to cavities. Make sure aggressiveness is expressed - not repressed; have him bite apples regularly. Your child lives important experiences daily. Problem solving is learned through sharing worries, dreams, fears and projects. Your greatest gift to him or her is your time!

• Teeth consist of a series of dentin tubules and parallel enamel rods. Dr. Ralph Steinman, at Loma Linda University, proved that substances moved from within the body, through the tooth and into the mouth.

• He proved this fact by injecting a radioactive substance into the bellies of rats and recovering it in the dentin tubules of teeth within six minutes and in the enamel within an hour. He believed this action to be a self-cleansing mechanism from the inside to the outside – like a fountain.

• The constant flushing of the tooth structure prevents the movement of germs into the tooth and prevents the destructive effects of acids formed by foods. At the same time, essential nutrients are introduced into the tooth to keep it healthy.

• When a root canal treatment replaces the pulp or nerve of a tooth, capillary action sucks bacteria and other noxious materials from the mouth or surrounding gum into the tooth, leading to germ contamination of the tooth.

• Circulatory problems associated with ill health or aging also reduce the cleansing effect even leading to the flow being reversed from the mouth into the tooth.

• A root canaled tooth is a dead tooth. All dead tissue in the body is infected and uses voltage. This creates disease-producing germs that make dangerous toxins.

• In the experience of Dr. Jerry Tennant, instead of germs entering the blood, the toxins from dental infections tend to follow acupuncture meridians and negatively affect the function of important organs on that meridian.

• To find out what organs are related to what teeth, visit the Meridian Tooth Chart on our website: /en/holistic-dentistry/meridian-tooth-chart/

And what is the only alternative to root canal therapy ?

Tooth extractionand replacement with an artificial tooth ; implant, bridge or removable denture! Not replacing a tooth will lead to bite and posture problems and compromise chewing efficiency.

Because the implications of removing or not removing an infected tooth are so serious, the advantages and drawbacks of the treatment of each infected tooth must be first very carefully considered with a knowledgeable holistic dentist before any care is provided.

The patient must be aware that any course of action – or inaction – will be a compromise; there is no perfect solution.

Conclusion : If you are in good health and would like to keep your infected tooth, a root canal treatment must be done perfectly the first time by a very competent specialist. The tooth should then be protected with a crown. Otherwise, removing the infected tooth and replacing it with an implant or Zirconia (metal-free) bridge is recommended. Ignoring the infected tooth will invariably cause health problems.

For more opinions on root canal safety, please visit the following websites :


When a missing tooth is not replaced, the opposing tooth continues to erupt in the empty space and the adjacent teeth will gradually tip to fill in this space. This shifting causes a gradual bite problem that translates into chronic muscular and joint pain, broken teeth, gum infections, etc.

The dental implant is made of ceramic or titanium and is placed in the bone where the natural root used to be. This procedure is done under local anaesthesia and requires a strong bone structure. If the bone is inadequate, a bone graft may be indicated prior to placing the implant.

After a few months of healing and integration, a ceramic crown can be cemented over the implant; it looks and feels just like a natural tooth. This procedure seldom requires freezing!

A fixed bridge, on the other hand, requires grinding the outside of the two teeth adjacent teeth to the space. The bridge covers these two teeth while replacing the missing tooth or teeth. The bridge is therefore made up of three or more splinted teeth. Fees for a dental bridge are usually lower than fees for implants.


Sleep apnea affects about 6% of the population. Reduced oxygenation during sleep can be responsible for chronic fatigue, strokes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Furthermore, chronic head and neck pain is often associated with sleep disorders.

As dentists, our responsibility in treating OSA can be very important; physicians who treat OAS recognize the effectiveness of dental treatment more and more.

Dental mandibular advancement appliances - like the Morpheus you can find out more about on the following site ( - slightly bring the lower jaw forward during sleep to increase airway and air volume to lungs to ensure adequate blood oxygenation. Very effective and better tolerated than CPAPs (Controlled Positive Pressure Appliances), dental appliances tend to be the treatment of choice in many instances.

We refer our patients who are suspected of suffering from sleep disorders for tests at Biron Laboratories:

Ask our receptionist for a free Sleep Apnea screening questionnaire; it may save a life.


More and more people are reporting negative health effects from exposure to electromagnetic fields, electronic appliances and mobile phone equipment. This condition is known as electroheypersensitivity.

And why are some people more affected than others? Doctors and researchers now associate these symptoms to heavy metal toxicity – often caused by the presence of metal dental fillings that may act like antennae or lightning rods to amplify dirty electricity.

It is therefore recommended to replace these metal fillings with safer non-metallic alternatives in order to prevent further intoxication and possibly reduce or eliminate the symptoms.

And since the most toxic metal used to fill teeth, mercury, becomes even more dangerous when heated and drilled by the dentist, it is crucial to protect the patient while replacing these fillings in order to avoid further contamination. The guidelines established by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology must be followed meticulously.

When we remove silver-mercury amalgam fillings, we always use activated charcoal, a nitrile dam, medical grade sterile air, disposable protective gowns, etc in order to reduce exposure to mercury vapour as much as humanly possible.

Our dearest objective is for you to regain your health and vitality. You can count on our experience and know-how to protect you properly.



According to a study done by Dr. Vera Stejskal, professor of Immunology at Stockholm University, approximately 7 % of 3162 patients who reported illness following dental treatment were found to be hypersensitive to Titanium - the metal used in dental or endoprosthetic implants. Approximately 0.6% of the general population may be ‘allergic’ to dental

Hypersensitive patients developed health problems such as:

1. Muscle, nerve and joint pain

2. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

3. Neurological problems

4. Multiple chemical sensitivities(MCS)

5. Dermatitis and,

6. Acne-like facial inflammation.2

And according to Drs. Muller and Valentine-Thon, patch testing was not able to detect sensitivity to Titanium.2 In their study of 56 patients demonstrating hypersensitivity reactions following the placement of Titanium dental implants, all 54 who had patch testing were negative to titanium. The MELISA test however was able to reveal hypersensitivity in all tested patients.

Following the removal of the implants, all 54 patients showed remarkable clinical improvement.

Conclusion : Though rare, it would be wise to have patients tested with the MELISA test before proceeding to implantation of Titanium implants in the human body. Also, when patients develop health problems following the placement of Titanium implants – do not rely on patch testing but insist on the more reliable MELISA testing for Titanium sensitivity. A recent study affirms many squamous cell carcinomas in the mouth occur in contact with a metal the patient is sensitive to.

1.Stejskal VD, Danersund A, Lindvall A, Hudecek R, Nordman V, Yaqob A, Mayer W, Bieger W, Lindh UMetal-specific lymphocytes: biomarkers of sensitivity in man. : Neuro Endocrinol Lett.1999;20(5):289-298.

2.Müller K, Valentine-Thon E. Hypersensitivity to titanium: clinical and laboratory evidence.Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2006 Dec;27 Suppl 1:31-5. Erratum in: Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2007 Oct;28(5):iii.



Probably vitamin D!

More and more medical researchers and physicians believe the world health crisis might be solved if everyone had adequate sunshine vitamin levels. 30% to 80% of the North-American population suffers from vitamin D deficiency; Montreal, for example, does not receive any UVB rays from the sun – essential for the conversion of vitamin D - from September to March!

Bleeding gums

A large study published in 2008 determined there was less gingival bleeding with increasing levels of serum vitamin D; no association to age, sex, medication, calculus, or any other factor.


Vitamin D is in fact a hormone. And our foods contain only small amounts of it. To make it in sufficient quantities, our bodies must be exposed to sunshine for 20 minutes daily – in a bathing suit – between 10AM and 3PM. So do not apply sunscreen for the first 20 minutes of daily sun exposure from April to September.


By supplementing your diet with 2000 i.u. (50mcg) of vitamin D3 daily, you reduce your chances of catching the flu or a cold by over 90%. You can also reduce your chances of contracting seasonal depression, Alzheimer’s disease, type 1 diabetes, muscular degeneration, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, autism, osteopenia, hypertension, cancer and heart disease by50%!
Have your vitamin D serum levels tested at:


Daily doses of 10,000 to 20,000 i.u. have been administered for many months without any negative effects.

Take part in the Vitamin D revolution by basking in the sun for 20 minutes BETWEEN 10 AND 2 or taking 2000 to 6000 i.u. of vitamin D daily!